Special tribute to the late Venerable Dr. Chao Khun Phra Thepmongkolayan or ( Chao Khun Visut ) the former chief abbot of Wat Boonyaram who passed away at the age of 88 on February 21, 2007. His holiness is a well-known and respected notable monk in the Buddhist communities in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. As former chief abbot of Wat Boonyaram and head of Malaysia Thai Buddhist Temples Association, he had devoted all his lives tirelessly toward Buddhism works and at the same time developed a very good relationship with different religions and different ethnic group. His holiness strictly followed and practices the teaching of Lord Buddha in its original form, without any embellishments and adhered to Buddhism in its purest form and went about to propagate Buddhism, at home and abroad, in the most practical sense.
Venerable Dr. Chao Khun Phra Thepmongkolayan or Chao Khun Keling was born on 17 June 1919 (Tuesday), in the state of Kedah, Malaysia. He had three brothers and one sister, he was the youngest son of Nai Lek and Nang Nim. He was ordained as a monk under Phra Samuk Chum preceptor-ship on 16 May, 1940 and was appointed chief abbot of Wat Boonyaram in 1943owing to his outstanding and knowledge of Buddhist philosophy.
The late Venerable Dr. Chao Khun Phra Thepmongkolayan has propagated the Buddha's teaching and meditation to his many disciples as well as lay peoples and Wat Boonyaram has become a source of spiritual inspiration and learning centre for Buddhist Malaysian and Singaporean. Each year Venerable Dr. Chao Khun Phra Thepmongkolayan would arrange special ordination trip for new novices to be ordain at Wat Mahathat, Nakorn Si Thammarat Province, this is to allow the newly ordained monk further insight about Dhamma and understanding of Theravada Buddhism in Thailand.
Venerable Dr. Chao Khun Phra Thepmongkolayan was closely associated with the late Venerable Chao Khun Phra Raj Panyarangsri of Wat Na Pradu and Venerable Chao Khun Phra Thepsiddhivides ( Chao Khun Suchin ) of Wat Ananda Metyarama where they often visit each other or are invited to each other temple to attend special Buddhist event or important religious occasion. The late Luang Phor Panya Nantha Bhikkhu of Wat Chol Prathan Rangsarit is another famous senior monk for his Dhamma expertise and he is very well-known all over Thailand and abroad, his holiness is another old friend of Venerable Dr. Chao Khun Phra Thepmongkolayan, where both masters often discussed and exchange Dhamma issues to further each other foresight. ( The late Venerable Luang Phor Panya Nantha Bhikkhu passed away at the age 96 on October 10, 2007 )
His Holiness Dr. Chao Khun Phra Thepmongkolayan departed peacefully and his body was kept in glass coffin without mummification. The condition of his body remains well as there are no sign of decaying to the day of the cremation. Looking at the finger nails or his hairs, one can witness that his hairs and nails are still growing as if Venerable Dr. Chao Khun Phra Thepmongkolayan is just sleeping.
The late Venerable Dr. Chao Khun Phra Thepmongkolayan was an Influential Buddhist figure in Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore as a man of great wisdom and is well respected in the Buddhist communities by propagating Buddhism to his many followers. His holiness passed away peaceful at the age of 88 on February 21, 2007 and was cremated on May 1, 2011.
"As what believers say, his holiness has attained spiritual enlightenment where his body will never decay and his Dhamma teaching will always be in our heart and our mind forever"
( This article was provided by former Thita Dhammo Bhikkhu, disciple of Venerable Dr. Chao Khun Phra Thepmongkolayan )
昭坤1919年6月2日出生在吉北古邦巴素县一个小农村,在5兄弟姊妹中排行最小,原名帕拉格林( Phra Keling ),从小家境贫困,没有机会接受高深教育,但凭着坚韧不拔的毅力及好学不倦的精神,成就了他日后对佛教及教育的坚持和成就。
他除了在佛教界的贡献深受敬仰,在教育及学术界的贡献也深获各方面的肯定,他曾获吉打州苏丹颁赐法师证书、泰国朱拉隆功大学颁发佛学荣誉博士证书,以及泰皇颁赐帕贴蒙古拉然(泰国皇室太子僧) 勋衔,是泰国以外的最高僧衔。
文也南佛寺原名称为瓦嘞嘞自建立到今已经有百多年, 自從昭坤帕贴蒙古拉然博士长老上任后, 他的意念是为了要普及佛教以教育给附近的村民, 因而建立起第一间泰文化交流学校. 意向是提供佛教智慧和泰文课程,教导给当地泰族和佛教徒懂得意识為善和建立种族相處以和平的社會. 文也南佛寺文化交流学校开始到今已超過60多年.
享誉世界和马国佛教界的高僧昭坤帕贴蒙古拉然博士长老, 为巴东昔拉文也南佛寺的前住持, 于2007年2月21日圆寂,享年88岁, 生前为世界佛教僧伽会副会长及马国泰裔僧伽会会长。
昭坤的法身自2007年3月1日封棺后,一直摆放在大殿内的玻璃棺供人膜拜,虽然法身呈青黑色,不过却没有腐烂,如躺着睡觉一般。 令人啧啧称奇的是,其交叉放在胸前的双手指甲,明显看出还不断在成长,头上也长出了头发。
圆寂4年火化法身 万名善信大雨送昭坤
昭坤长老法身在當晚11时在巴东昔拉文也南佛寺举行火化, 并在2011年5月2日早上9时30分举行捡骨灰仪式, 多名高僧为仪式诵经后,就开始捡骨灰,整个过程耗时半小时。
" 让我们永远记住昭坤帕贴蒙古拉然博士法師的佛法教導念记佛规永在我们的心中央 "